The arrival of the Apple Vision Pro confirms that the future has arrived, although it may not be as sophisticated as we had hoped just yet, as customers are all voicing similar problems.

Apple’s amazing Augmented Reality (AR) headset was finally released this month after great anticipation, promising to’seamlessly mix digital information with your actual world’ and allow us to ‘do the things you love in ways never before imaginable’.

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There’s no disputing that we’ve come a long way since the first iPod, and while many people have complimented Apple’s device for its creative features, there have been some difficulties voiced by customers after giving it a try.

The Vision Pro has a design similar to luxury ski goggles, with two monitors, one for each eye, to ensure the user interface is constantly visible.

Simultaneously, the goggles allow the user to see the real world around them, which means apps, papers, and websites can be brought directly into your living room.

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However, while the technology is great, we are creatures of habit and will continue to rely on our phones for many aspects of our everyday lives.

With that in mind, Vision Pro customers have been sharing their experiences with looking at gadgets like phones through the goggles, and many have complained that the view is ‘blurry’.

“Readable but not perfect,” one person commented. “And only after I hold the phone still for a few heartbeats to get the cameras to focus.”

“Yeah, similar for me,” another user commented on a Reddit discussion about the hazy image. “Sometimes it even warps and looks like it is curved.”

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A third added: “Should be clearer than this, albeit fuzzy. I can communicate fine. “Not ideal.”

Some users have defended the device, claiming that it works better in brighter situations, while others have recommended that Apple include an augmented display of phones used while wearing the headset.

Matthew Panzarino, who evaluated the Vision Pro for Tech Crunch, found a’slight motion blur effect utilized in the passthrough mode’ of the device but said it ‘wasn’t distracting.

Though some users say certain views could be sharper, overall evaluations of the Vision Pro are excellent, with many noting that the device truly brings us into the future.
