Apple Music for Artists now shows real-time listening data. Are you curious about how it works? Here’s a basic rundown of the functionality.
The Apple Music for Artists dashboard includes a few critical metrics that show data about your music’s performance on Apple Music. Total plays, average daily listeners, song purchases, and shazams are some of the significant indicators. However, a new ‘listening now’ widget shows how many Apple Music listeners are now engaged with your music.
This real-time data can provide musicians with a snapshot of who is currently listening to their music on Apple Music. When you select the widget, you’ll get a full breakdown of an artist’s ‘Listening Now’ trends over the last 48 hours. Maximum listeners, average listeners, and your top performing songs are among the highlights of that data.

Maximum Listeners | Displays the highest number of listeners in the previous 48 hours.
Average Listeners | Displays the average listener rate for the previous 40 hours.
Top Songs Now | A brief look at the top six most played songs right now.
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Is there no listening now widget? For privacy reasons, Apple stresses that it is a typical aspect of the Apple Music for Artists experience.
“There is a minimum listener threshold in order to display Listening Now analytics,” according to the help document. “You may notice gaps within your data reporting period when that threshold has not been met.” If you’re a small artist just starting out, you might not see this data yet.

Aside from seeing who is now listening to your music, you can also see where your followers are from throughout the world. The Places tab in Artist Analytics displays listeners’ locations by city, state, country, or region. Filters can help artists track the success of new albums, giving them an indication of where to arrange their next tour dates.
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