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I’m here to support him throughout. When Lewis Capaldi’s Tourette’s syndrome looked to start affecting him mid-song at a concert in Germany on Tuesday (Feb. 21), his fans rallied to his support.

The Scottish singer was performing his No. 1 hit “Someone You Loved” for the enthusiastic audience at his tour stop in Frankfurt when the incident happened. When singing, “And I tend to close my eyes when it aches sometimes/ I fall into your arms/ I’ll be safe in your sound till I come back around,” in fan-shot video from the performance, Capaldi appears to be having tic issues.

Following that, the crowd starts singing the song’s chorus back at him in unison: “For now, the day bleeds into nightfall/ And you’re not here to get me through it all/ I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug/ I was getting sorta used to being someone you loved.”

The TikTok user captioned the video, “We back you!! @LewisCapaldi,” and the video ended up serving as a very humanizing moment for users of the social media site. One follower commented, “Humans humaning can be so healing to observe sometimes,” and another added, “Everyone singing is a blessing to this world… I’m grateful.

The worst part about having Tourette’s syndrome, according to Capaldi, is that I get it when I’m excited, stressed, or happy. He first revealed this to his fans on Instagram Live last fall. It frequently takes place. It hurts more or less on different days. Some days are worse than others. It seems much worse than it really is. It can be quite painful at times, but it passes.

Below, you can watch the memorable scene from Capaldi’s performance in Germany.


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