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According to study results released in a report in the Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society on Thursday, a large dinosaur print found by a local archaeologist in Burniston Bay, England, in 2021 most likely belonged to a “Megalosaurus-like Theropod.”

Co-author of the report from Thursday and nearby archeologist Marie Woods found the print while scouting the region. Fossil hunters assisted in removing the print for analysis after it was discovered that it was in danger from the elements.

The Yorkshire region contains a section of coastline sometimes referred to as the “dinosaur coast,” and the dinosaur print is the biggest one ever found there. The first prints were found in the area in 1934, and the research claims that only six have been found in such excellent condition.

Large, well-preserved theropod tracks are uncommon, even though dinosaur footprints from the Middle Jurassic of the Cleveland Basin are reasonably common, according to the study’s authors.

“The issue of how to designate the current specimen is still up for debate. On the basis of prior records of prints associated with this ichnogenus, we have selected Megalosauripus ichonosp “says the report.

The print is thought to have been created around 166 million years ago, during the Jurassic era.

Though they were unable to determine with certainty, the study team considered whether the dinosaur was walking or resting when the print was made and came to the conclusion that it was most likely walking.

Although they don’t rule out resting or crouching, the authors “provisionally prefer to suggest a walking locomotion of the maker,” according to the report.

The neighborhood museum has received the print as a gift.


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