When she’s making a movie, Jamie Lee Curtis is extremely committed.
She claims to be so committed that while she is on set, she never actually returns to her trailer.
“Avoid returning to your vehicles. Jamie recently told Insider that trailers are not your friends.
Jamie claims that this is her “secret sauce” to success, and several producers have praised her for it.
The producer of Everything Everywhere All at Once, Jonathan Wang, will confirm to you that I never departed the set, Jamie said. “I don’t think it exists,”
Jamie claims that since she doesn’t visit her trailer, she has even received more screen time in films, such as when she was working on Knives Out with director Rian Johnson.
“When questioned why, he replied, “Because she was always on set.” He once referred to me as his MVP on Knives Out. Never leaving the scene, “said Jamie.
Because I was on set, she continued, “He ended up using me in shots he wasn’t planning to use me in.”
Sounds like Jamie Lee has benefited greatly from her special recipe!
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